Feminomics introduces ‘webisodes’ — segments produced for the web that are fun and informative. Welcome to ‘Fem Fabulous’ — fashion and beauty with a money twist. CLICK HERE TO WATCH:
Fem Fabulous: Cool Looks for the Hot Weather
For our debut Fem Fabulous segment (all about fashion and fun), we combed the streets of New York focusing on the trends and tips that can help you stretch your fashion dollars. Check it out HERE.
Fashion Trends:
Black and white were big favorites in the summer, often paired with a splash of color like orange or pink (see photo above). Women loved the grace and cool feel of long, flowing maxis, and ‘green’ themes with flowers and nature were also in full bloom. Most will continue to work well beyond Labor Day.
Experts talked about color blocs as a continuing hit that flatters many body types and comfy wide leg pants as a fun, fashionable way to beat the heat. And sleeveless dresses remain the go-to choice for professional women that can go from day to evening in a snap.
To help us on our mission to help women look great on a budget, we consulted with industry people and YOU to share tips for looking good on a budget. This led our Fem Fab Four Fashion Basics:
A) Do Spend on Investment Pieces:
Be sure to have a few ‘investment pieces’ to anchor your collection. These are key items that you will use regularly, so look for good quality, well-made clothes that suit your body and will last for more than one season. Examples included the perennial black dress (sheath for summer); a tailored jacket; a leather jacket; and great fitting jeans. It’s not always about ‘cheap’ – a good investment piece is one you get mileage from over time. If you use something 100 times, its ‘cost per use’ is less than a ‘bargain’ sitting in the closet.
B) Don’t put a lot of $$ into ‘trendy’ stuff:
Trends can come and go, so don’t spend big bucks on them. For example, leggings are a trendy item that you can find in price points from $5 – $100. Make a small commitment and wear them a few times – if you love them and they have staying power, you can always upgrade. If not, enjoy the moment and pass them on when you’re done.
C) Do take advantage of discounts, end of season bargains:
Over and over we heard from savvy shoppers who made the most of their money by going to nationally known discounters, taking advantage of sales, end of season clearance, even checking out ebay or vintage shops.

Caitlin & Lisa are wearing dresses bought on sale or at national discounters for under $60.
D) Don’t overdo it – before SALE becomes a four-letter word (DEBT):
Do spend on something that works for you and your budget, but avoid getting caught up in ‘the moment’. We don’t often realize how much we’re influenced by advertising, media hype, sales people or friends who may whisper – “go ahead, you deserve it”. Use your money to live your dreams. What do you really want – another pair of pants or a trip to Paris? A great handbag or money toward a downpayment on a car, home, or long term savings? TIP: Keep a photo of a life goal you want in a slot by your credit cards, and glance at it before you pay. Or ask to hold an item for a few hours or overnight. That can help keep you focused on your goals.
Special Thanks & Great Resources:
Heather, Stephanie, Aliza and everyone at Century 21 Stores in New York (www.c21stores.com); Veronica Jones and the good folks at The Brownstone (www.thebrownstonewoman.com). Both websites offer online shopping.
Special shout out to the fabulous KJ Denhert for letting us use her ‘Lucky7’ as our new closing theme song. CLICK HERE to listen to the song and other clips from her album of the same title. (More on kjdenhert.com)
Thanks so much for your support!!
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